Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mysql: My Own Notes( Backup & rename )

  1. Get db backup for www from daily backup server
  2. Copy the db to the nearest linux server (eg: 75)
  3. Bunzip the file:
    #bunzip  filename_xxx.bz2
  4. Use vi command to rename the db
    #vi filename_xxx.sql
  5. Esc  >  Shift + :
    ** If the cursor already can move up and down then its done.

  6. Esc  >  Shift + :  >  :wq  >  Enter
    **Wait until the process finish

  7. mkdir folder
  8. mv  filename_xxx.sql  folder/
  9. tar -cjf  folder.tar.bz2  folder
  10. scp  folder.tar.bz2  your@locationserver.my:
  11. Open related db server to restore the db.Copy the file from yourlocation server.
    #scp  your@locationserver.my:/home/you/ folder.tar.bz2  ./
  12. Untar the file first:
    # tar -xjvf   folder.tar.bz2
  13. Open folder and restore the db in server
    # mysql -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8  <   filename_xxx.sql
  14. Grant the privileges to the db
    # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on db.* to 'username'@'applicationserverhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

  15. Check connection within the db and the application server.
    #telnet  applicationserverhost  3306;
  16. From application server, test connection to db server
    #mysql -uUSERNAME -p -h  IP_databaseserver

    eg:  mysql -urepo_admin -p -h  172.XX.XXX.XX
    ** If error, connection refuse ask Network Admin to allow telnet both server in firewall setting.
  17. Update the apps configuration file for the grant access. Check the application from browser.
  18. Done.


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