Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Extract 7-Zip Files?

  1. Download and install 7Zip of course
  2. First of all download all 7zip compress files into the same folder.
  3. Make sure all file names match. in this case WA.7z.001 , WA.7z.002 , WA.7z.003 ...
  4. Right click the first file (WA.7z.001) and if you have the latest version you will see the 7 Zip menu(Pic 2), enter that menu
  5. Click "Extract files" option. A new window will pop up and you will choose where to extract the file.
  6. Then another window will pop up and ask you for the password(If require password).
  7. enter the password as its shown on the pic, which is in most cases.. Then sit back and wait for the extracting process to finish..
  8. When all ends, you are ready with your unpack file. Good Luck.
