Monday, February 1, 2010

HOW TO PATCH Drupal 6.14 to Drupal 6.15

In first place, I try to upgrade my drupal follow the instruction in UPGRADE.txt.. but not successful. I try three time and at last I fade up.

Finally I found this easier way to patch Drupal 6.14 to Drupal 6.15. This case is for Unix based server only.

Just Follow this simple steps;

  1. Backup your drupal database and file system first. Store your backup in other folder(/home/user/)

  2. Download patch file (drupal-6.14-to-6.15.patch ) from this site

  3. Open your drupal directory
    #cd your drupal directory

  4. Copy the patch file (drupal-6.14-to-6.15.patch ) into this directory.

  5. Login to drupal admin page. Please login as admin.

  6. Set site to off-line mode. Disable all modules that currently enable.

  7. Run this pact command:
    #patch -p1 < drupal-6.14-to-6.15.patch

    ** Be warned: this may break your Drupal installation so make sure to have a backup at hand.

  8. After finished, Verify the new configuration file to make sure it has the latest and correct information.

  9. Run http://your domain/update.php

  10. After finished, Verify in status report page to make sure your Drupal already upgrade to version 6.15.

  11. Enable back all previous active modules.

  12. Set the site back to online mode. See the site live again.

    Good luck!

    * Use this patch files on your own responsibility. I don't guarantee the proper function of the patch files on Drupal installations other than my own. -
